Monday, August 3, 2009

Catching up

Even I'm getting sick of seeing the packing post. Obviously I'm not packing anymore! We've been home a little bit more than a week and we are in serious catch up mode. Our house looked like it exploded last Monday. I bet I've done 20+ loads of laundry since then and I got all of Hudson's new clothes unpacked and put away in the closet. I am in serious nesting mode getting everything ready-if I just had the energy to do everything I wanted to do each day!

Landree and I had a great day today beginning with a trip to the library to check out a few new books for her and then off to Babies R Us to do a little shopping. I found a 'boy' diaper bag. It's a far stretch from the cutesy bags with bows and rhinestones we've carried for Landree {even Jeff-he's such a good sport}, but Jeff was so excited about having a boy bag this time that I chose a Columbia messenger bag.

Tonight we've been cleaning because we are showing our house tomorrow. Please say a quick prayer for us if you remember around 5ish {or anytime really} the thought of having our house for sale with a new baby and all the baby paraphernalia that comes along with, makes me sick to think about. I would love to sell before we have baby Hudson. And it's officially one month before he makes his arrival!

Here is a picture of my ever growing belly about a week and a half ago-I get tons of comments on how huge I am and that I might not make it another month. I don't tell them I'm already being induced almost 2 weeks early! I went to the doctor last week-I'm measuring a little bit big and have gained 21 pounds. I am scheduled to induce on September 3rd. We get to have an ultrasound next time which I'm so excited about. We didn't have an extra one at the end with Landree and we'll get to see exactly how big he really is.

31 1/2 weeks

And because it's killing my dad that I haven't blogged in so long here are a few pictures of my sweet, silly girl.




I hope to catch up soon, I still haven't blogged about the 4th, Landree's trip to Texas, or 2 wonderful baby showers I've had! I am still downloading pictures from all of the trips!


Kristin said...

OMG you look great pregnant!! :) You must be getting so excited!! I can't wait to see Landree & Hudson pics!!

Kam said...

Hi Jen! So glad to see you here again! Bless your heart! You have so much going on! Hang in there! And you look beautiful btw!

Otte, Party of Five said...

cute belly, jenn!!! :) i'm so excited for you!

Clare said...

You look beautiful and congrats!! I hope that all of the chores and projects get done and you get to rest too;)

Jodee said...

You look fabulous! I can't believe Baby Hudson will be here in just one short month! Happy Nesting!

The Byrd's Nest said...

I can't believe your due date is so close....seems like you just told us your were pregnant! You are beautiful!!!!

Sweet sweet pictures of Landree.

The Barner Bunch said...

#1 You are so cute pregnant. You carry Hudson well!!!
#2 I laughed out loud when you said your house looked like it had exploded. Girl, mine ALWAYS looks like that!!!!
#3 Congrats on the BOY diaper bag. Yep, no more bows and bling-bling to worry about!

Stacey said...

Such a cute preggo belly! Not much longer for you! I am jealous, I can't wait to meet my little one too! Can't wait to see pics of him!

3 Peanuts said...

You look SO cute!!!!
