Friday, October 22, 2010

My littlest pumpkin

This morning we headed to the local tree farm where they host a lot of fall activities for the kids to do.  We had such a fun time and I can’t wait to share all about it, but I’m having a yard sale in the morning and I’m up way too late as it is so I’m leaving you with some pictures of my littlest (and stillest; let’s me take his picture) pumpkin.

side shot Hudson hudson 2    Hudson-pumpkinhudson 4pumpkin 2pumpkin 3hudson 3   pumpkin 4 pumpkin 5 pumpkin


Amanda said...

These pictures are adorable!!!!

Megan said...

Soooo cute!! Love the shirt, shoes, and those blue eyes!!!!!!!!!

I showed Hayden the pictures and he said "ball". Imagine that! :-)

Jodee said...

Adorable pictures of your handsome little pumpkin! I still think he looks soooo much like you!

Yard sale?! Have you lost your flippin' mind?! HA HA!

The Barner Bunch said...

Love those blue eyes. Cute pictures of Hudson. He is getting so big.
Every time I look at your blog, I get so jealous of your CAMERA! I'm going to have to do some talking to my husband about my Christmas present! I want a better CAMERA!