Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trunk or Treating

Tonight we had trunk or treating at our church.  We decided to pick up corn dog (nutritious, I know.  I actually feel the need to defend myself because you’re about to see a picture of my 14 month old holding a corn dog.  Don’t judge…  We actually eat really well most of the time :) And I promise we cut his up.  He just wanted to hold the stick.  Then we got on our costumes and headed to the church.

I love that our church hosts this.  It’s a fun safe way to trick or treat and we get to see all of our little friends all dressed up.  Landree decided that she wanted to be Snow White and Hudson got to wear his monkey costume. 

DSC_0571 Landree was being silly and I had my hand in front of my flash, but here she is as Snow White and her shoes… She did great walking in them all night.  We brought extra in case we needed them.  This girls knows the shoes can make or break an outfit :)

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And my sweet little monkey.  Look at that banana in his pocket.  So cute!  

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Landree wanted me to take pictures of her and Hudson, too bad they were never both looking at the camera.

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This girl is crazy about her brother!

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When we got to the church we saw the Brewer’s first and Cooper had to show Landree all the candy he’d gotten. 

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  Jeff and I dressed up too.  We had two pair of bunny ears so we wore them.  Jeff actually said he was a 2010 Cowboys fan (he had on his Rangers shirt).


Some of our cute little friends :)

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Hudson LOVED his sucker(s).  He had part of two-again no judging :) 

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After we finished up at the church Jeff put Hudson to bed and Landree and I headed to a few neighbors houses to ‘treat’ just a little bit more.  We walked around with our little neighbor girl, and had fun until Landree had a melt down when I told her we had to go home.  Now we are starting tomorrow off with no blanket or tv time.  But we’ve had a fun night.  I hope you’ve all had a great Halloween too!


The Byrd's Nest said...

Oh so precious...sorry about the meltdown but you know I can relate:)

The corny dog looks absolutely scrumptious!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megan said...

They look PRECIOUS!!!! I love the monkey costume on Hud! So cute! And my, my Landree Grace makes a BEAUTIFUL Snow White!

And friend...I think a corny dog might be one of the most UN-organic things you can feed your child! LOL!!! You know I am just giving you hard time! I sure did enjoy my corny dog at Canton on Satruday! I love that picure of Hudson holding it. Those eyes and that shirt-LOVE IT!