Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Krissy

Ok, so Krissy’s birthday was actually December 28th, but I still wanted to give her the official Happy Birthday on the blog before the next family member (cousin J) has his big day tomorrow.


We always have a big get together with all the Gray clan to celebrate K’s big day while we are in town for the Holiday’s. We try to do something different every year-this year we headed to Arlington to Trail Dust Steakhouse. We had a really fun time dancing the night away and requesting every George Strait song we could think of.


It took a little convincing to get Miss Priss on the dance floor, and then she didn’t want to sit down to eat dinner.

Trail Dust is famous for their giant slide-it’s 20 feet! Landree got up to the top with her cousins before I realized that she was going to slide down. She slid down with cousin H and let’s just say it wasn’t her favorite.

Aunt Gigi attempted the slide too. J caught her coming down-check out this face:


Aunt K was so sweet to share her birthday cupcake too.

We had a great night with the family! Happy Birthday Aunt Krissy! We love you!


Jamie said...

Aunt Krissy is my birthday buddy!! And, I love Trail Dust!! So fun!

jenbusymom said...

Looks like a great time was had by all! Happy birthday Miss K!

Jennifer said...

Man, that Aunt Gigi looks like a lot of fun. hahaha!

I loved this year's dinner. Super fun!