Monday, August 2, 2010

Another first…

Hudson has had most of the ‘firsts’ around here these days, but today was a first for Landree.  She had her first visit to the dentist.  She is almost 4 and I’m the one that has been dragging my feet on making her appointment.  I HATE the dentist and wanted it to be such a good experience for Landree so I asked around and found a local pedi office so I called to make her an appointment…and just 4 short months later we were in.

I could not have been more proud of my big girl-she did so awesome!!!


They gave her these cool sunglasses to wear while they cleaned her teeth.  The office was decorated in an all wild animal theme.  Landree was so excited about her goodie bag (a toothbrush, toothpaste, 2 stickers, and a flosser) that she kept asking about it! 

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This hippo was under glass in the floor.  It was so cool!


This cool office comes at a nice price (with no dental insurance).  Actually about twice what my visits cost, but Landree loved it and tonight at dinner she said her favorite part of the day was going to the dentist, so that made it worth it to me.  I think she brushed her teeth about 6 times today. 

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Brooke said...

Hunter loved his visit to Wild Smiles too!

Courtney said...

I think if I had had this type of office when I was a child, I would have liked the dentist too. Glad she had a good experience.

Megan said...

Way to go Landree!!! We are so proud of you! You are such a big girl! Keep brushing those teeth. I don't think you can ever brush for as long as your momma though! ;-)

Baby Jackson said...

Cute office!! So glad she loved it (I know you are too). Jack still talks about his dentist visit and wants another toothbrush from them.

Anonymous said...

That has to be the coolest dentist's office I've ever seen! It looks like Landree had a blast!! :)

Thank you for testing my comments to see if they worked. I think it was a little glitch because they work now...who knows?! ;) Oh, and you're more than welcome for the cookies! Glad you enjoyed them! :)

ji said...

Wow-I want to go there!!!! Looks like Landree did a great job!! :)

Tricia said...

Wish they had a cool place like this when I was little. Maybe I would also like the dentist too now. Oh well. Caleb did well at our dentist once he realized it was okay for the light to be in his face. :)

Julie said...

this makes me feel way better that i have yet to take judah. way to go, landree!

The Barner Bunch said...

I'm NOT a fan of the dentist either, Jennifer...and on top of that, I spent the majority of my time at one this summer :(
However...if my dentist office looked anything like the one Landree went to, I would have NO PROBLEM revisiting it! ha
She's such a big girl! I'm proud of her.