Thursday, January 21, 2010

Don’t forget your helmet

When we were in Texas we went one day to see our friends Julie, John, Teagan and Mattox (and their new house).  Landree had such a fun time playing with the kids and eating pizza and brownies!  Teagan and Mattox got new bikes for Christmas and they loved showing Landree how they could ride.  She started out riding on Teagan’s old tricycle and quickly became frustrated so she switched to the fire truck.  Helmet and all.  Thanks for a fun afternoon friends we love y’all and love your new house!




Taren said...

Oh Jennifer, your comment makes me laugh because YES, we have that same bathingsuit!! We could sure get some cute pictures of them together dressed as twinkies!

julie said...

thanks for the wonderful afternoon-wish it could have been longer!!teagan and maddox say we love and miss you guys! hope to see you again soon!

jenbusymom said...

Good girl, safety first! So cute!