Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nap time = Play time

So on any given day Landree may or may not take a nap, but she rests in her room none the less. I figure if you can take a 2-3 hour nap then you still need to rest and it gives me a break to be online, work, catch up on a little rest, or have a little time alone with Hudson.

Yesterday, I could hear Landree talking for about the first hour of her rest time and then she was really quite so after another hour I went in to wake her up. I opened the door and found her like this:


That’s a turtle neck that she has only one arm in along with just about every piece of jewelry she owns. Oh and her mittens and toboggan too, you know, to keep her warm…

Landree Grace, you are such a sweet girl with such a wonderful imagination. You are such a joy to be around. I love you!


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Oh HOW CUTE!!! Look at her sense of style....she definitely has a flare for fashion:)

I love it!!

Hope you are well:)



Clare said...

so, so cute!! very stylish:)

Teachers' Bags, Books and Beyond said...

Those might be my favorite Landree pictures of all time! How CUTE!

Jennifer said...

Priceless!!! Aunt Gigi loves this girl too!

Megan said...

Now this is funny! Maybe you should invest in a video monitor and watch it for entertainment!

HowryFamily said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha SUCH a girl:) :) :) haha makes me laugh just to look at her and that sassy little smile :)

Jamie said...

that's hysterical! Too cute!

Robin said...

That is SO cute!! I used to love to play dress up :)

Thanks for your help with my blog. I went to the font blog and was able to find several that I liked. It took me all evening to figure it all out. I still haven't figured a couple of things but I'm happy with my first attempt :)

Take care!

jenbusymom said...

That is too cute!